Thursday, May 1, 2008

goodbye cat

The powers of personality are not the exclusive right of us humans wandering and wondering – they’re evident elsewhere – I’m thinking of dear little Holden who passed away today – he was unique; he held his own. Large fluffball, with a purr like a Sopwith Camel and soft, wild pantaloons hugging his thighs – a beautiful voluptuary, in the end ripped apart by disease that was not fair and gave him no way out –

Whilst here, the female mallard escorted her ten chicks all the way along the main road, under the factory gates, along the drive therein, clucking and watching all the way whilst her little fella’s legs ran nine-to-the-dozen to keep up, their little chirrups of awe emanating all the way, until she got them to the down-river pond at the bottom of the brewery complex and they sidled off together into the long grass, hidden and no doubt happier. . .

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