Monday, March 24, 2008

Burt St Edmunds is built on/protected by/enshrouded in the medieval - vague shades thru a late blizzard I catch & I return to where I began - the lilt & tilt of the world - followed by the brightest sunshine & looming hulks of ancient ruins topped with singular crows & adamantine cuts of sidereal light - yews creak - lovers are abandoned for shelter:

"Our walks were like marker posts; I alwaYs (the 'Y' sounded bigger than the rest to my ear)returned with clarity, reinvigorated than before we embarked
And then there was the unquantifiable pleasure of passing on information & learning
Seeing things afresh & through your eyes & things that I would not notice too
Timeless forays into unknown places."

Last views of city post hailstorm/thunderstorm whilst outside the bingo hall & opposite Zorkot barbers the Good Friday wrecks are hawking & sobbing, their alcohol intake pushing the limits . .

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